To support Professionals in managerial skills development: objectives / resources / time management, colleagues' effective synergy / integraton, internal / external customer service adaptation.
I designed four different Business Games, that allow participants to experience an organizational "story" in a collaborative and competitive environment.
Please find here a short guide to understand which is your training needs nearest Business Game: check each Development Focus, then go to the Game details.
Business Game Focus:
A. Connecting decisions and Key Performance Indicators
B. Strategic thinking
C. Interfunctional relationship management
«TESCOM» operates in Telcom and Pay TV market.
Participants play in 3 Teams.
Every Team is a different Company department: Administration, Control, Sales.
Each Team decision can have a positive impact on own KPI's, but a negative impact on other departments ones.
How it works:
Teams face four trials, one for each quarter of a given fiscal year. The purpose the Teams as a whole should commit is to improve all the Companies KPI's.
TRIAL 1: DIFFICULT DECISIONS – Each Team have to analyze 10 events, for every event there is a decision to take, from a list of five. Every choice of the list could generate a positive outcome for all the Teams, or negative for all the Teams, or positive for one and negative for another.
TRIAL 2: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY – The Company have to decide beteween three different new Business Opprtounity: a merger, an acqusition, a partnership. Every Team has different and complementary information about hte three options: a plenary discussion will generate the final decision.
TRIAL 3: CHALLENGING PLANNING – Every Team has to allocate 30 different projects through the Quarter, considering own and other Teams priorities.
TRAIL 4: MISUNDERSTANDINGS – Ten "role playing", each of them with two member of different Teams discussing (and hopefully solving) specific problems due to a bad interaction between departments
Sample - Key performance indicators
Business Game Focus:
A. Change management
B. Project management
C. Soft skills for the Project Management success
«SMARTFOOD» is a food market chain, with different "format": hyper, big, mini-market.
Due to market changes, the Company has to face a deep business reorganization, with a deep impact on sale, logistic and HR resources and processes.
Participants play the role of three different "Project Teams", responsible for the change management and implementation.
How it works
Teams faces five trail, one for each Change Project "step". The aim is the optimal Project Management, in a way it could generate the maximum benefits / outcomes (includes the employees commitment as well).
TRIAL 1: COMMUNICATE THE CHANGE – Each Team, through a specific "role play", communicate the change to different employees departments, with different objections and resistances.
TRIAL 2: PROJECT START-UP – Each Team helps one of its member to play the Project Leader role in start-up meeting, ensuring everyone in the room has a clear view of his / her responsibilities.
TRIAL 3: PERFORMANCE ISSUES – Each Team faces different performance issues, due to Project professionals misalignment, mistakes, miscommunication, etc..
TRIAL 4: PROBLEM UNDERSTANDING – Every Team must discover the reason of a specific negative Business outcome, despite the previous Project steps were successfully managed.
TRIAL 5: DECISION CRITERIA – Once the above problem is understood, Teams will generate different solutions and the criteria that should lead the choice between them.
Business Game focus:
A. Connecting behaviors and economical impact
B. Leadership with clients, suppliers, managers, colleagues, collaborators
Ogni prova è seguita da una ulteriore esercitazione che stimolerà l’applicazione degli apprendimenti.
How it works:
Participants play in 3-4 Teams, each Team will play the role of a different city Bookstore Director, who faces 40 different critical situation (10 for each quarter of a given fiscal year), the SITUATION CARDS. Each situation allow 5 possible decisions, and every decision will have a positive, negative or neutral economical impact on the single bookstore balance.
Every 10 situations, Teams: a) Learn their score for each decision and the "reason why", through the SCORE CARDS; b) Learn other teams' scores; c) Discuss how similar issues could affect their real organization; d) understand managerial theories and practices that connect behaviors and business.
Sample - Situation Card and Score Card
Business Game Focus:
A. Innovation skills.
B. Managerial and entrepreneurial skills
How it works
Participants plays in 3-4 Teams: each Team is a different Start-Up in the publishing business, and faces three challenges, idea generation, financing, business networking.
1. THE PROJECT – Teams design a «Business Model Canvas», manage a presentation, answer to other teams and trainers critical and objections.
2. INVESTOR SEEKING – Teams prepare and manage three different speech with different investors: a Bank, a "Business Angel", an Investment Fund.
3. JOINT VENTURE – Every Team try to identify possible synergies / alliances with other teams' businesses.
Sample: the Publishing Business introduction