
"Train the Trainers" is a learning path, with 5 steps, aimed to master the ability to manage a full-cycle training initiative: from the business-linked needs to the training efficacy evaluation.

The first step: Why a Training?

- Understanding when a Training is more appropriate and when not.

- Managing a Training need analysis: what is the expected impact, who should be involved, what skills should be learned or improved.

Second step: Design

- Contents, activities, agenda, ressources, logistic aspects.

- How to communicate the initiative and create participants engagement.

- How to evaluate the Trainng impact.

Thrid step: The Trainer as a Communicator and a Listener

- Clarity, Sinthesys, Fluency, Impact, Assertiveness, Non-verbal channels.

- Listening and Empathy.

Fourth step: The Trainer as a Facilitator
- Create the right climate
- Facilitate the communication between Trainees
- Understanding and managing resistances and difficulties

Fitfth step: The Trainer and the Company

-The Training stakeholders (HR, Trainees Leaders' and colleagues, Directors): how to manage the relationship with them

How the "Train the Trainers" path is managed

One business case is the 5 steps common thread.

Participants will be encouraged, playing the Trainer role, to understand a Training request and to manage it until the end, solving different problems that will arise in the different steps.